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Swegon launches new WISE demand controlled ventilation system
Swegon has launched its new generation WISE demand controlled ventilation system, which “represents over 15 years’ experience and the latest pioneering technology in demand controlled ventilation”.
According to Swegon, demand controlled ventilation can save up to 80% of the fan energy and 40% of the cooling and heating energy in a building, by supplying air, cooling and heating in just the right amounts, and at the right time and to the right places. Swegon’s new WISE system is able to do this without sacrificing any indoor climate comfort, the company said.
The new generation WISE system has been developed using “cutting edge development work and experience gained from hundreds of installations”. It is designed to be easy to install, flexible and user friendly, ensuring the entire building process is as efficient as possible. Software such as Swegon ESBO (Early Stage Building Optimisation), and the product selection software IC Design, provide decision making support.
Dene Kent, head of ventilation at Swegon, explained: “The modern software we have created makes complex issues simple to handle, by starting from the customer needs, suggesting products and providing visual support. It’s easy to create a great indoor climate in each room.”
To simplify the later stages of the building process, the system is based on the latest technology for wireless communication. A patented radio solution makes the WISE products, such as dampers and diffusers, communicate via integrated radio nodes. This means significant cost savings thanks to reduced cabling and it eliminates the risk of misconnections. Dene adds: “Taking the step from wired to wireless technology is a major leap, helping us build a system that is even more reliable and easier to install.”
To top off the new WISE system, the web-based Super WISE user interface is completely remodelled. With maximum visual overview and simple handling of system settings, the Super WISE is "exceptionally easy to work with", Swegon said.
For more information visit www.swegon.co.uk.