Insulated foundation system greenlit by BBA

Insulated foundation system greenlit by BBA

Kore Insulation has received the stamp of approval for the Kore Insulated Foundation System from the UK’s construction product certification body, the British Board of Agrément (BBA).

This article was originally published in issue 49 of Passive House Plus magazine. Want immediate access to all back issues and exclusive extra content? Click here to subscribe for as little as €15, or click here to receive the next issue free of charge

The BBA certification, which specifies that the system meets industry standards and is therefore suitable for use in construction projects in the United Kingdom, was awarded to Kore in December.

The certification represents a significant step forward for the Irish firm, which already holds NSAI Agrément certification for the system to show compliance with Irish building regulations.

The system, which appears commonly in passive house projects, effectively creates a tub of expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation into which a reinforced concrete foundation is poured, including a ring beam to the perimeter. As the foundation is entirely enclosed in insulation, the system provides an essentially thermal bridge-free substructure for walls to sit on.

Designed to meet the needs of low-rise residential construction projects, the system offers superior thermal performance and compliance with building regulations across multiple regions. The system is now certified for use with traditional masonry, timber frame, metal frame constructions, and insulating concrete forms (ICF) for a wide range of buildings, from single-family homes to multi-unit developments.

“This achievement underscores the high quality, durability, and performance of our innovative foundation system and expands its availability across Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom,” Kore said in a statement.

“By achieving BBA certification, Kore reinforces its commitment to delivering cutting-edge insulation systems that exceed market expectations. This milestone enables us to provide even greater value to builders, architects, and homeowners across the UK and Ireland”.

The BBA certification process assessed Kore’s system on several factors, including energy efficiency, sustainability and regulatory compliance, with the company noting it not only contributes to nearly zero energy building standards by offering declared thermal conductivity values as low as 0.033 W/mK for key components, it also has a lifespan meeting the lifetime of the building and is comprised of recyclable components. “The system meets stringent building regulations in Northern Ireland, England, Wales, and Scotland, including resistance to moisture, structural stability, and energy conservation,” Kore said.