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Research opportunity for occupants of homes with PV
This article was originally published in issue 47 of Passive House Plus magazine. Want immediate access to all back issues and exclusive extra content? Click here to subscribe for as little as €15, or click here to receive the next issue free of charge
Munster Technological University and Energy Expertise Ltd are conducting research under the InVest project, which is looking at how best to increase the amount of electricity generated by PV solar panels used within the home.
“Using PV electricity directly in the home avoids the need to purchase expensive daytime electricity,” said Energy Expertise director Dr Shane Colclough, adding that the electricity daytime rate is often twice the rate which the occupant would receive if they were to export surplus electricity back to the utility.
According to Colclough, prioritising selfconsumption over export offers other financial advantages too. “Any payments for electricity sold to the utility in excess of €200 per annum are taxed at the marginal income tax rate i.e. up to 40 per cent,” he said.
The researchers are looking to speak to occupants of homes with PV panels with or without battery storage.
Not only will home occupants gain insights into how best to optimise the use of their PV electricity, but the study also represents an opportunity to have an energy PhD researcher analyse the electricity use and electricity export profile of individual homes, and identify the very best tariff in the marketplace, tailored to the home.
For more information and to register, please visit www.pvresearch.ie.
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