Strong demand for GGBS from Irish market

There is strong and growing demand for GGBS on the Irish market, according to leading Irish supplier Ecocem, as the company gears up to respond to a market and regulatory environment that is increasingly demanding low embodied energy construction products.

Get up to NZEB with Grant heat pumps

High efficiency is a hugely important factor in choosing a heating system and this is a key priority for industry leading manufacturer Grant, whose wide portfolio of heating technologies has advanced over the years and now includes air source heat pumps, underfloor heating, pre-plumbed hot water cylinders, aluminium radiators and fan convector radiators.

ICF fast & reliable for social housing — Amvic Ireland

The inherent qualities of Amvic insulated concrete formwork (ICF) make it ideal for meeting the demands of local authorities and housing associations for fast build times and reliable delivery programmes, according to leading supplier Amvic Ireland.

Earth Cycle expands into PH education & training

Leading passive house expert Robert (Bob) Ryan is now offering certification, consultancy and training once again through his company, Earth Cycle Technologies, after a year-long career break.

Learn about wastewater heat recovery remotely

Leading wastewater heat recovery (WWHR) supplier Showersave has moved its certified CPD presentation, ‘An introduction to wastewater heat recovery’, online due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Grant offers free home heating system design

Leading heating technology manufacturer Grant is providing those undertaking new build and retrofit projects with the opportunity to have their home heating system designed free of charge.

New book aims to demystify passive house design

The second edition of the book Understanding Passivhaus by Emma Walshaw of First In Architecture is out now. The book is designed to provide a brief, clear and complete guide to building a passive home.