€200m community owned wind farm to power County Clare

A wind energy development co-operative in County Clare today announced plans to construct one of Ireland’s largest wind farms.

Subsequent to obtaining planning approval and permission for grid connection, West Clare Renewable Energy Ltd. (WCRE) says it hopes to construct 30 3MW wind turbines on the slopes of Mount Callan, a 391-metre high mountain located between Ennis and Miltown Malbay.

Climate change summit hijacked by biggest polluters

A vital meeting in Copenhagen this weekend that will help shape the agenda for the most important climate change talks since the Kyoto protocol has been hijacked by some of the biggest polluters in the world, critics claimed today.  

Sustainable economics conference, June 10 to 12

wind_turbine_holderness.jpgFeasta - the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability - will host a weekend conference titled 'The New Emergency: Managing Risk and Building Resilience in a Resource Constrained World' on the weekend of June 10 - 12 in All Hallows College, Dublin.