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Live blog of architect Jay Stuart's speech at Rebuilding Ireland

Highlights of speech by Jay Stuart on repositioning Ireland as a green construction hub. Stuart is an architect and  sustainable design consultant with DW Ecoco & Durkan Ecofix.

11.45am: Green building doesn't cost that much more with good design. Return on investment is generally over 10% for the extra costs involved. 

11.47am: Stewart says he has implemented the principles of The Natural Step in his own business

11.50am: It's crucial we use existing sustainable building experience to market ourselves outside Ireland

11.53am: Plants can be used in innovative ways to cool, clean and oxygenise air inside building

11.54am: We don't need many new houses so the focus will be on retrofitting. US experience indicates that we should have efficiency portfolio managers working towards specific reductions in energy consumption

11.56am: Spirt of Ireland can provide jobs, greatly improve our energy independence and boost balance of trade

 11.59am: We need a set of principles for greening the building industry that we all agree to work to. Stewart proposes The Natural Step

12.00am: Spirit of Ireland should be supported and built, transition towns should be applied to communities across the country

12:01am: Building industry needs to upskill for green building. Stewart proposes a centre of excellence for sustainable building.

12.03am: Stewart's finished now, Donegal-born Elizabeth Francis of renowned architects Mario Cucinella is about to speak. Go here for the live blog: http://constructireland.ie/index.php?option=com_myblog&Itemid=107〈=en

Last modified on Thursday, 05 November 2009 08:56