Short-listed companies for 2010 Green awards announced

The finalists have been announced for the 2010 Green Awards, with a shortlist consisting of a diverse range of companies and organisations from across Irish society.
With the goal of achieving zero carbon standards for new homes by as soon as 2013, environment minister John Gormley has committed to introducing 60 per cent energy and carbon reductions under changes to part L of the building regulations next year. John Hearne spoke to leading industry figures to find out how the revised regulation could raise standards for both new and existing homes.
Energy Minister Eamon Ryan today announced the extension of the Accelerated Capital Allowance Scheme. The Scheme, detailed in the Finance Bill, allows companies to buy energy efficient equipment and write off its full cost against corporation tax in the year of purchase.
The retail and telecoms sectors were the big winners at Sustainable
Energy Ireland's sixth annual awards in Dublin last Friday, with Dunnes
Stores, Heatons, O2 and Eircom each taking awards at the all-island
The awards aim to highlight "excellence in business energy management", and this year included entries from over 100 organisations.
Ireland risks social and economic disaster from climate change unless the government takes urgent action, according to the Irish Academy of Engineers.
In a new report the group says delivering critical infrastructure must be prioritised, otherwise the country risks polluted drinking water, extensive flood damage and power blackouts.
This year’s Plan Expo, Ireland’s largest building exhibition, will take place at RDS Simmonscourt in Dublin from Tuesday, 3 November to Thursday, 5 November. Green building is at the heart of this year’s event: the EcoBuild exhibition of green building suppliers will take up almost half the floor space, while a first-time conference entitled Rebuilding Ireland will explore the role that green building and architecture can play in Ireland’s economic recovery.
Environment minister John Gormley yesterday published the
government's policy on architecture for 2009 to 2015, titled Towards a
Sustainable Future: Delivering Quality Within the Built Environment.