SEI announces funding for Irish ocean energy companies
Ten Irish companies developing ocean energy technologies will share
e4.3millon in funding from Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), the
national energy authority announced yesterday.
Ten Irish companies developing ocean energy technologies will share
e4.3millon in funding from Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), the
national energy authority announced yesterday.
Ireland now ranks fourth in the world for the contribution of wind
energy to electricity use, according to the International Energy
Agency's 2008 Wind Energy Annual Report.
SPENDING ON the smart economy should be increased eightfold to
almost e4 billion a year to make Ireland a world leader in creating
green collar jobs, according to the national advisory body on
sustainable development.
In a report on a “Green New Deal” for Ireland published yesterday, Comhar argued that a multi- billion euro commitment would be needed if Ireland was to become a sustainable, low-carbon economy.
IRELAND CANNOT afford to wait before investing in the green economy,
the director general of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
Speaking at the organisation’s annual conference, Mary Kelly said there were significant economic opportunities for Ireland in becoming a low-carbon and greener economy.
Ireland could become the green energy capital of Europe and support over 80,000 green jobs, according to a new report released by Irish bio-energy firm BioPower.
Launching the report last Wednesday, energy minister Eamon Ryan said: "Clean energy will provide the solution to Ireland's economic and environmental challenges, securing the investment and jobs of the future.