Leinster House cut in energy a partial success

ENERGY SAVING Day in the Oireachtas last month was only a partial success, with electricity usage in a part of the complex used by politicians from the two main parties actually increasing.

Gore optimistic that world will agree deal on climate change

Al Gore, the former US vice-president, delivers an upbeat assessment of the global response to climate change today, saying he believes a "political tipping point" has been reached which will enable leaders to avert environmental catastrophe.

50bn STG of investment needed for Saharan solar plan

European countries could transform their electricity supplies within a decade by investing in a giant network of solar panels in the Sahara desert, an expert told a global warming conference in Copenhagen today.

More bad news on climate change expected

More bad news on climate change is expected as more than 2,000 climate scientists gather in Copenhagen. They will be trying to pull together the latest research on global warming ahead of political negotiations later in the year.