Market opportunity to improve housing stock energy efficiency

Given the decline in new build construction and the increasing demand for greater energy efficiency in existing homes, there is a major opportunity to bring about significant improvements in the energy performance of the existing Irish housing stock, according to Professor Owen Lewis, Chief Executive, Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI).

Govt publishes sustainable transport plan

The Government has published a €4.5bn plan for sustainable transport to 2020. The Smarter Travel plan sets out Irelands travel policy for Ireland from now until 2020.

Ireland becomes founding member of IRENA

Energy minister Eamon Ryan today announced that Ireland has signed up as a member of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) at the organisation's founding conference in Bonn, Germany.

Increased growth in green sector jobs forecast

EMPLOYMENT IN green sectors is on the rise despite an overall slowdown in the jobs industry, according to recruitment agencies. Jobs in green areas such as renewable energy will continue to increase over the next year, following rapid growth since the summer of 2008, according to Gary Barcoe, divisional manager at Stelfox recruitment.

Massive job losses in architectural sector

Over 40 per cent of architects employed in January 2008 will have lost their jobs by March according to a survey conducted by Millward Brown IMS for the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland (RIAI).